Sunday 13 August 2006

Some Final Stuff

Well after all the route planning, setting up the website, sorting out gear, getting sponsorship, booking accomodation, training and of course actually cycling from one end of the country to the other I finally did it! A fine experience it turned out to be as well.

Would I do it again! Yes! The cycling was a doddle compared to setting up a website and getting sponsorship! I spent as much time on the web and sponsorship aspect of this venture as I did actually cycling!

Would I do anything differently? Well it would be nice to have taken a bit more time over the whole thing - everyone says this, but it would have made it less of a challenge, so no, not as a challenge but the whole venture has certainly made me more likely to go on some more cycling tours in the future!

LEJoG as a weight loss programme! It's fantastic! If you've got a decent bike and 10 hours a day to spare then go for it! I lost well over a stone during this trip and was practically unrecognisable on my return. However, if not then perhaps weight-watchers may be more suitable!

Record Sheet



I would like to thank the following people who in one way or another made this trip successful:-

My daughter Heather, for driving up to Scotland to meet me in spite of only just having passed her test!

My daughter Hazel, - well for moral support!

My girlfriend Marie, for suffering endless nights of pouring over maps with a 24 inch long piece of string, or was it 25? No wonder I was knackered - and for booking my accommodation.

My sister Terry and brothers Tony and James for their continued support before and during this venture.

Chevin Cycles, Otley for the donation of certain cycling gear!

Tash from Leeds Art Theatre - without whom I'd never have got any publicity for the event. As it happened I was on the radio and in the YEP plus 4 or 5 smaller, regional papers.

Michael Bennett from Joseph Priestley College who also facilitated my appearance in several local papers and who has also suffered constant nagging from me to update this website

Previous and potential LEJoGer's who have sent me good wishes!

... and all who sponsored me!
Money raised:-

British Heart Foundation £534.62

National Autistic Society £686.68

Cancer Research UK £500.01

Total £1,721.31

Overall Statistics

Day Route Distance Time Average Maximum Cumulative
1 Lands End - Bude 97.33 06:56:33 14.00 40.40 97.33
2 Bude - cheddar 106.77 07:17:13 14.60 47.00 204.10
3 Cheddar - Clun 123.28 09:04:58 13.60 41.10 327.38
4 Clun - Slaidburn 148.43 10:09:59 14.60 45.60 475.81
5 Slaidburn - Bassenthwaite 87.98 07:28:59 11.70 38.70 563.79
6 Bassenthwiate - Ayr 114.09 08:03:00 14.20 48.90 677.88
7 Ayr - Oban 99.42 08:01:13 12.40 33.00 777.30
8 Oban - Loch Ness 86.58 06:26:54 13.40 30.40 863.88
9 Loch Ness - Tongue 109.65 08:48:21 12.40 36.90 973.53
10 Tongue - John o' Groats 69.98 05:01:23 12.90 35.80 1043.51
Average 104.35 Total Time 77:18:33
Average Daily 7:44


Richard Hufton

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